The NetRexx Tutorial
- Applets
NetRexx Tutorial - Applets


 *** This section is: 
 *** and will be available in next releases

Creating and running your first Applet.

I want to show you how to create and run a very simple Applet. As in the "Hello World!" example, the issue is not really the code (that giving the colours I use I think you'll just run only one time), but the whole procedure.

The steps can be resumed:

The Applet.

| -- Your very first applet                                            |01
| --                                                                   |02
| class aphello extends Applet                                         |03
|   properties private                                                 |04
|     fo = Font                                                        |05
|     XMAX = 500                                                       |06
|     YMAX = 500                                                       |07
|                                                                      |08
|   method init                                                        |09
|     resize(XMAX,YMAX)                                                |10
|     fo = Font("Helvetica",fo.BOLD,36)                                |11
|                                                                      |12
|   method paint(g=graphics)                                           |13
|     g.setFont(fo)                       -- set font                  |14
|     g.setColor(Color.Pink)              -- all pink, pls             |15
|     g.fillrect(0,0,XMAX,YMAX)           --                           |16
|     g.setColor(Color.Yellow)            -- write yellow              |17
|     g.drawString('Hello there!',10,200) -- message                   |18
Download the source for the aphello.nrx example


| <html>                                                               |01
| test                                                                 |02
| <applet code="aphello.class" height=100 width=100 length=100>        |03
| </applet>                                                            |04
| </html>                                                              |05

The full procedure as typed in.

             -- build the Applet
rsl3pm1 (68) edit aphello.nrx

             -- compile it
rsl3pm1 (69) java aphello

             -- edit the HTML
rsl3pm1 (70) edit aphello.html

             -- try it out
rsl3pm1 (71) appletviewer aphello.html

File: nr_20.html.

The contents of this WEB page are Copyright © 1997 by Pierantonio Marchesini / ETH Zurich.

Last update was done on 18 May 1998 21:47:57(GMT +2).