The NetRexx Tutorial
- Advanced Algorithms
NetRexx Tutorial - Advanced Algorithms

Advanced Algorithms


Recursive Algorithms

A question that usually crops up in discussion groups about languages (notably comp.lang.rexx) is : 'Can I implement a recursive algorithm using REXX?'. The answer is: 'Yes'. You can easily make your NetRexx (or REXX) code re-entrant, and in this way implement any recursive algorithm. You perform this with a method clause.

The towers of Hanoi.

Text books usually provide as an example of recursive algorithm, the computation of a factorial (n!). This is probably not a good choice, as one can easily avoid recursion for this algorithm. I prefer to give the example of the 'Towers of Hanoi' [ KRUSE, 1984, 273 ]. The game is well known: one must move disks from one 'tower' (1) to a third (3), without placing a larger disk on top of a smaller.

      (1)                  (2)                  (3)
       |                    |                    |
       #                    |                    |
      ###                   |                    |
     #####                  |                    |
    #######                 |                    |
   #########                |                    |
  ###########               |                    |
 Towers of Hanoi

Using recursion, the solution is extremely simple. Taking the algorithm from the cited source, we can write this small REXX program.

| class hanoi                                                          |01
|   method move(n=rexx,a=rexx,b=rexx,c=rexx) public static             |02
|     if n>0 then                                                      |03
|       do                                                             |04
|         move(n-1,a,c,b)                                              |05
|         say 'Move disk from' a 'to' b '.'                            |06
|         move(n-1,c,b,a)                                              |07
|       end                                                            |08
|                                                                      |09
|   method main(args=String[]) public static                           |10
|     n = args[0]                                                      |11
|     move(n,1,2,3)                                                    |12
|     exit 0                                                           |13
|                                                                      |14
Download the source for the hanoi.nrx example

Believe it or not, this is the solution you get from the program. Note that it is also the best possible solution.

rsl3pm1 (122) java hanoi1 4
  Move a disk from 1 to 2 .
  Move a disk from 1 to 3 .
  Move a disk from 2 to 3 .
  Move a disk from 1 to 2 .
  Move a disk from 3 to 1 .
  Move a disk from 3 to 2 .
  Move a disk from 1 to 2 .
  Move a disk from 1 to 3 .
  Move a disk from 2 to 3 .
  Move a disk from 2 to 1 .
  Move a disk from 3 to 1 .
  Move a disk from 2 to 3 .
  Move a disk from 1 to 2 .
  Move a disk from 1 to 3 .
  Move a disk from 2 to 3 .
rsl3pm1 (122)
                                       result of the hanoi1 program

In the section about the curses() interface we will see how to get a better output for the solution of the game.

Recursive sort algorithms

| -- method......: partition                                           |18
| -- purpose.....:                                                     |19
| --                                                                   |20
|   method partition(l=rexx[],low=rexx,high=rexx) public static returns|21
|     swap(l,low,(low+high)%2)         -- swap pivot in 1st location   |22
|     pivot = l[low]                                                   |23
|     lastsmall = low                                                  |24
|     loop i = low+1 to high                                           |25
|       if l[i] < pivot then                                           |26
|         do                                                           |27
|           lastsmall = lastsmall + 1                                  |28
|           swap(l,lastsmall,i)        -- move large to right, small to|29
|         end                                                          |30
|     end                                                              |31
|     swap(l,low,lastsmall)            -- put pivot into its proper pos|32
|     pivotlocation = lastsmall                                        |33
|     return pivotlocation                                             |34
|                                                                      |35
Download the complete source for the qsn.nrx library

Removing recursion

| -- method......: sort_qsnr                                           |68
| -- purpose.....: sort the list using QuickSort Nonrecursive          |69
| --                                                                   |70
|   method sort_qsnr(l=rexx[]) public static                           |71
|                                                                      |72
|     maxstack = 20                           -- up to 1,000,000 items |73
|     lowstack = rexx[maxstack]               -- arrays used for the st|74
|     highstack = rexx[maxstack]                                       |75
|                                                                      |76
|     low = 0                                 -- list bounds           |77
|     high = l.length - 1                                              |78
|                                                                      |79
|     nstack = 0                                                       |80
|                                                                      |81
|     loop until nstack = 0                                            |82
|       if nstack > 0 then                                             |83
|         do                                                           |84
|           low = lowstack[nstack]            -- pop the stack         |85
|           high = highstack[nstack]                                   |86
|           nstack = nstack - 1                                        |87
|         end                                                          |88
|                                                                      |89
|       loop while low < high                                          |90
|         pivotloc = partition(l,low,high)                             |91
|                                                                      |92
|         -- push larger list into stack, and do the smaller           |93
|         --                                                           |94
|         if (pivotloc - low) < (high - pivotloc) then                 |95
|           do                                                         |96
|             -- stack right sublist and do left                       |97
|             --                                                       |98
|             if nstack > maxstack then overflow()                     |99
|             nstack = nstack + 1                                      |00
|             lowstack[nstack] = pivotloc + 1                          |01
|             highstack[nstack] = high                                 |02
|             high = pivotloc - 1                                      |03
|           end                                                        |04
|         else                                                         |05
|           do                                                         |06
|             -- stack left sublist and do right                       |07
|             --                                                       |08
|             if nstack > maxstack then overflow()                     |09
|             nstack = nstack + 1                                      |10
|             lowstack[nstack] = low                                   |11
|             highstack[nstack] = pivotloc - 1                         |12
|             low = pivotloc + 1                                       |13
|           end                                                        |14
|       end                                                            |15
|   end                                                                |16
|                                                                      |17
Download the complete source for the qsn.nrx library

| -- method......: main                                                |44
| -- purpose.....: just test the main functions simply running         |45
| --               "java qsn"                                          |46
| --                                                                   |47
|   method main(args=String[]) public static                           |48
|     args = args                                                      |49
|                                                                      |50
|     l = rexx[100]                                                    |51
|     build_list(l)                                                    |52
|     display_list(l)                                                  |53
|     sort_qsnr(l)                                                     |54
|     display_list(l)                                                  |55
|                                                                      |56
|     exit 0                                                           |57
Download the complete source for the qsn.nrx library
 *** This section is: 
 *** and will be available in next releases


Here is the usual resume' of some of the concepts we have encountered in this chapter:


 *** This section is: 
 *** and will be available in next releases

File: nr_27.html.

The contents of this WEB page are Copyright © 1997 by Pierantonio Marchesini / ETH Zurich.

Last update was done on 18 May 1998 21:48:02(GMT +2).